Source Information

Monitoring medication supply shortages is critical for healthcare providers, pharmacists, and patients. Here are many of the source locations I use to help track shortages. The MedMon system is built to analyze public information and, based on reports from multiple of these sources, determine if a national supply issue exists. This page provides a comprehensive overview of these resources to help you stay informed.

Government and Official Health Agencies
  • Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) - The MHRA is the UK’s regulatory body for medicines and medical devices. They regularly publish Drug Safety Updates and can be a valuable source for supply shortage notifications. MHRA Website
  • Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) - The DHSC issues updates and bulletins related to medication supply disruptions. They work closely with manufacturers and suppliers to manage shortages and provide guidance to healthcare providers. DHSC Website
  • National Patient Safety Alert (NatPSA) - NatPSA is a notification issued to healthcare providers and patients to highlight significant risks to patient safety and provide guidance on how to mitigate those risks. These alerts are primarily intended for medical professionals but are published online and available for anyone to review, offering insightful information. NatPSA Website
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - NICE provides evidence-based guidelines for healthcare practices to ensure the best care for patients. These guidelines are mainly directed towards medical professionals but are also accessible to the public, providing valuable insights. NICE Website
Professional Organizations and Pharmaceutical Bodies
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) - The RPS provides resources and updates for pharmacists, including information on medication shortages and alternative treatments. RPS Website
  • Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) - The PSNC negotiates for community pharmacies and provides updates on supply chain issues, including shortages and resolutions. PSNC Website
Health Information Websites
  • NHS England - NHS England offers guidance and updates on medication availability and shortages affecting the NHS. NHS England Website
  • NHS Digital - NHS Digital provides data and information services to the health and care system in England, including reports on medication supply issues. NHS Digital Website
Pharmaceutical Industry Sources
  • British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) - The BGMA represents the generic pharmaceutical industry and provides updates on the availability of generic medications. BGMA Website
  • Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) - The ABPI represents innovative research-based biopharmaceutical companies and offers insights into the pharmaceutical supply chain and potential disruptions. ABPI Website
News and Media Outlets
  • Pharmacy Times - Pharmacy Times covers news related to the pharmaceutical industry, including medication shortages and regulatory updates. Pharmacy Times Website
  • BBC Health - BBC Health provides news coverage on health issues, including updates on medication shortages and their impacts on patients. BBC Health Website